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One moment, please. Final fantasy 7 pc game free


This will provide you with a better quality of experience as compared to games without the map. In addition, this game also provides excellent quality graphics. The visuals of a game decide the ranking of that game. A far as the graphics of this game is concerned, they are incredibly impressive.

It provides an enriching experience to the player which is indeed worthy to note. Moreover, you will be playing the role of the main lead.

This will provide a feeling that you are actually at the scene and that everything happening is in reality. This game indeed provides you with a realistic experience not just with graphics but also with the role-playing element. This game indeed provides you with a realistic experience not just with graphics but also with the role-playing element. In the last, this incredible video game has the best music that provides great interest.

The graphics of this game indeed attract the attention of the players to the game. But, it is the music of this game that retains their attention for such a long time. Final Fantasy VII is among the best and the most popular role-playing video game. These were a few of the impressive features that this game offers to the players while playing the game. If you are new to this entire game industry then, we suggest going through the post once again to get a better idea before giving a shot at this video game.

Download Now. Final Fantasy 7. Download Now. Achievements Character Booster Cloud Saves. Find yourself stuck on a difficult section or lacking the funds to buy that vital Phoenix Down? With the Character Booster you can increase your HP, MP and Gil levels to their maximum, all with the simple click of a button, leaving you to enjoy your adventure. Wallpaper Cloud x x x Wallpaper Barret x x x Wallpaper Tifa x x x Wallpaper Red XIII x x x Wallpaper Sephiroth x x x Wallpaper Aerith x x x Forget password?

Remember me. Sign in Recover your password. The hero has a supply of health and magic points. If the game character loses health, he loses consciousness and temporarily drops out of the battle, if the enemy dies.

Magic points can be spent on summoning reinforcements or creating spells. For victory, experience is given, which increases the characteristics of the fighters. It can be used when the damage scale is full.


Final fantasy 7 pc game free.Final Fantasy VII Download PC Game For Free Full Version


Remember which characters you chose to be in your party, as you'll have a boss fight at the end of the road. Each character has an energy bar - If ft drops to zero, they start the boss fight with one HP. However, as the boss always pre-empts you, one HP basically means curtains, so avoid getting into that position.

Snowboarding Is a short way into the second disc and it's fairly easy. When you play it as a 'plot element', all you have to do is get down the hill - ignore the balloons and shift Remember to use Pageup and Pagedown to slide-turn for sharper cornering. If you replay this one at Gold Saucer, however, you need to be a Irttlle bit more skilful. You are marfced on your accuracy, how many balloons you hit and how quickly you do the course Different coloured balloons are worth different numbers of points: the red ones carry low points, blue ones are usually hidden behind obstacles, while green one are practically impossible to get and so are worth loads of points.

Achieve a decent score and you'll be rated 'Good'. Replay the game to try a new course and keep going until you complete the 'Crazy' course. Finish this for prizes. Buy loads of troops at the start up to 20 - use a mix of fighters, attackers and defenders and forget the others. When the enemies start arriving, send them into the fray.

Leave a few troops around the shed to defend it, but swarming the enemy is otherwise the best tactic. When you play this one as a 'plot element' where you're trying to recover the Huge materia on disc two , you can either fight the battle through to the bitter end or go for the much easier option, which is to allow the enemies to overrun the base. Do this and you'll have an easy boss battle, no problemo.

As a 'plot game', this is easy peasy. You start out just behind your target - the red submarine carrying Huge materia - so all you have to do is shoot the shit out of it and wham!

At Gold Saucer, however, you have to take out every submarine in the area. Use your sonar Pagedown to watch for blips. Follow them and take out the subs. Take care to avoid the mines that are lying around, but be quick - your sub's a bit sluggish and you've only got ten minutes. There are actually four Weapons scattered around the world. If you don't know who or what Weapon is, go to Icicle Inn on the Northern continent. In a house on the left of the village is a video player - watch the video to be enlightened.

For those of you who know only too well what Weapon is, you probably want to beat him, right? You don't have to defeat Emerald and Ruby. However, you do need to face Ultima and survive although you don't have to defeat him , and you do need to defeat Diamond. It's worth killing them all, however, as good things can happen. Ruby Weapon lives in the desert near Gold Saucer, so you need a gold chocobo to get near him breeding one is a fairly long-winded process, explained last issue.

But before you go galloping up to him, get into a normal fight with any weedy little enemy. Kill off two party members then fight Ruby. If you don't do this, Ruby removes them permanently.

Revive your two members as soon as the fight starts. Open with Hades. As soon as you see him moving again, cast Hades again. Then repeat Knights Of Round. That's basically it Ruby's a difficult baddie to finish off, but nowhere near as evil as Emerald. It takes time, though - be prepared to stick at it.

At this point, Cloud is a gibbering wreck in hospital. Cid suggests you "pay the little fella a visit", so head for Mideel on the Southern Continent. Speak with Cloud, and Ultima will attack the village. Before you speak with Cloud, ensure that at least one of your party members has their HP well above Cid, trying to act the hero, taunts Weapon and engages him in combat.

Attack Ultima with all you've got, but cast Cure if he twats any of your boys or, indeed, girls. After a while, the screen announces that he is about to use his Ultima Beam on you.

This ominous, threatening and lethal blue beam causes about HP of damage to all your party. To win the fight, all you have to do is survive this blast and hit him again, after which he flies away.

Later on you can defeat Ultima entirely. You need Highwind, and you also need to have defeated Diamond Weapon see below. Ultima will be hovering over a big pool just behind Midgar - fly into him and beat him up as much as you can.

He will fly off again - follow him and crash into him until he flies to a particular place and stops over it. Your final battle with Ultima takes place over Cosmo Canyon. Beating him sends him crashing to the ground, and also gives Cloud his ultimate weapon. This beast causes massive damage, but the damage done decreases depending on how many HP Cloud has left.

After your visit to the City of the Ancients on disc two, you meet Diamond. Diamond emerges from the ocean, heading for Midgar. Fly Highwind to Midgar, and wait on the beach for Diamond to arrive Physical attacks have sod-all effect on Diamond unless his breast plate is open. Unfortunately, when it Is it means he's about to kill you. So use your strongest summons and spells on him - there's no easy way to do It - but make sure you use Cure or Elixirs regularly.

Eventually, something truly explosive happens. Emerald lives underwater, so you need to use the submarine to get to him. He moves around a lot, so simply search around the centre of the map until you eventually find him.

Bump into him and prepare for the hardest battle in the game. Fighting Emerald Is only for the brave And plenty of curative stuff. Got all that? Then you're all set Pair Final Attack with a Revive materia. That way, if whoever holds this combo croaks, they come back to life! Also, get as many Counterattack materias as you can - equip them all on one person. The more one person has, the more times they'll counter-attack if they get smacked.

Emerald will often pre-empt you with a stomp attack, but not always. By this point, Emerald is ready to attack again, so have something curative ready a Megalixir's good. Cure, then repeat the W-Summon trick everyone should Mime It again. Continue this process until Emerald is dead. It takes time - he has one million HP - but keep at It and you'll beat him. At some point, the eyes on his shell light up, indicating that he's about to use some different attacks.

Some eyes drain MP, whereas others inflict damage. Use a spell or Summon to destroy them. Be warned though: sometimes when they're all destroyed, Emerald counters with his Aire Tam Storm attack, which usually kills your entire party instantly. Now you see why you need that Final Attack materia. Remember defeating Emerald isn't easy, and you won't beat him straight away.

Final Fantasy VII features a healthy dose of crossdressing. We can't think of many other games where the hero undergoes a lengthy transvestite interlude. It's weird, it's Japanese, and it's got crossdressing in it. And it's great. We'll discuss that bizarre sartorial encounter later.

First, we'll try to explain a bit about just what the dang heck you're looking at here. We assume you're familiar with the concept of role-playing games. You know: four blokes with skin complaints sitting around a table in suburbia rolling sided dice until 4am, imagining they're hairy warriors from the Wilderness of Death instead of overweight systems analysts from Filey.

Theirs is a world governed by weighty tomes containing list upon list of arcane rules about armour classes and hit points, a tragic melange of facial hair, bad teeth, perpetual virginity and desperate Tolkeinesque wish-fulfilment.

It isn't the sort of thing that gets covered in enthusiastic detail by The Face. But the style press would cover this particular game. This isn't just an illusion of cunning design - it really is a superb game. You just have to be prepared to accept a few Before we go on, a quick word about cut-scenes.

We've often railed against cut-scenes here at Zone. Nothing upsets us more than a game filled with lengthy and superfluous video sequences. We're supposed to be playing a game, we reason. If we wanted to simply sit back and witness events unfolding, we'd bloody well go and watch television. Unless Emmerdald s on, that is. We simply can't abide farmers. Even fictional ones. They're all shits. Anyway, you get the point: we prefer hands-on action any day. In fact, at a rough estimate, we'd say that 25 per cent of the time you are doing little more than pushing a single button to advance to the next chunk of an ongoing rolling sequence.

By rights, we should be slagging the game into the dirt, awarding it a sub per cent score and phoning up the developers and calling them arseholes. But we're making an exception to the rule. Still, consider yourselves warned: there's a lot of waiting around involved in this game.

There's a world of difference between us and our Far-Eastern cousins. We like our RPGs traditional. Plenty of dimly-lit dungeons, axe-wielding goblins and heroes with frightening biceps shimmying about in skintight hose.

We like nothing better than leaping straight into a tedious quest to recover a sacred dagger or a rusty bit of pipe. The storyline barely seems to matter - we just like the idea of the whole thing. We're idiots, basically. The Japanese, at first glance, are altogether more well-adjusted. Their RPGs - and Final Fantasy VIIis the finest example of the genre - are adept at keeping things exciting, by remembering to include two very important things: a compelling storyline and sackloads of eye-dazzling Anime action.

First things first. The storyline. We won't bore you rigid by recounting a load of background information: you can find out what the game's about when you buy it. What we'd like to draw your attention to is the fact that the developers haven't once lost sight of the fact that first and foremost they're supposed to be storytellers, here to keep you entertained.

The audience must be held in a state of suspended disbelief for the entire duration of the narrative. They do this by performing a complex juggling act: exciting you with frequent bursts of activity, while allowing the overall course of events to unfold slowly, arousing your curiosity with unexpected twists in the tale en route.

Character interaction and growth is also of paramount importance. We're supposed to identify with the main protagonists, and if at the end of the tale their experiences haven't changed them in some way, we'll shuffle away disappointed and drink ourselves to death. Finally, there's the creation of a believable environment, with its own set of rules and logic - a world which slowly becomes as familiar as the player's own.

That's the basic formula for producing something that will drive the player on. You won't be able to put it down. We'll print that again so the words imbed themselves in your head. And here's the bad news: it's immense in scale.

It's one of those games where you keep thinking "I must be about haltway through by now" for weeks on end, but you're not halfway through at all. Pray for bad weather this summer, or you could end up being the palest person in your street. The game itself is an intensely playable hybrid of simple arcade-style action and traditional RPG geekery.

Nowhere is this peculiar mixture of arcade fun and dicerolling spoddery more apparent than in the battle sequences, which crop up with increasing regularity as you progress in the game. Fighting takes the form of a half-real-time, half-turn-based orgy of violence, with some truly spectacular special effects bunged in for good measure.

It takes a bit of getting used to, but it works. The action concerns the exploits of a bloke named Cloud and his chums from illegal eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE that's probably an acronym for something, but God knows what , and as the game progresses you'll find yourself getting distinctly attached to them.

Initially, the game is totally linear - it almost drags you from one location to another at times. Adventure game old-timers might find this infuriating, but later on the structure becomes far more free-form, enabling you to wander around at will. The engine also undergoes a startling transformation from static prerendered backdrops to moving, real-time, 3D, Mario style landscapes. This is one of the joys of the game - you never know what's coming next.

Hugely cheesy dialogue, mind. It's written, not spoken, and it's all been translated from Japanese. Sometimes it's laughably bad. If you encountered a script this hackneyed and unnatural in the cinema you'd stand up and hurl shoes at the screen.

Furthermore, the convoluted narrative employs even more cloying sentiment and gurgling cutesyness than your average Mother's Day card. But you get into it. In fact, after an hour's play you won't even notice. If that isn't concrete evidence of the peculiar hold this game can exert, we don't know what is. What else? Well, the graphics are first-rate. The pre-rendered backdrops which appear for the bulk of the game's early stages look like they've been lifted straight from Akira, while the polygonal characters that make up the cast are all designed in that intrinsically satisfying, boldly simplistic Manga style.

The animation throughout is superb, especially during some of the battle sequences, with their eyepopping lighting effects and explosions. The audio content might raise a few eyebrows. Much of the music is controlled by the MIDI chip in your sound card, so if you've got a cheap one, it could prove unbearable.

And most of the sound effects themselves sound like old-school Megadrive noises. Sonic purists will probably want to pull their own heads off with rage at this news, but we rather liked them. And that's all we've got time for. Did you notice we haven't really told you anything about the plot itself?

That's because we want you to play the damn thing and find out for yourself. Final Fantasy VII will amaze, amuse, excite, enthral and reward you. It's excellent value for money, too: it's so big you'll need a good lie down at the end.

If you've never played a Japanese RPG before, you may want to do that old 'try before you buy' thing. But that would just be boring. Instead, splash out. Live a little. Trust us on this one. You won't regret it. Emerald lives underwater, so you need to use the submarine to get to him. He moves around a lot, so simply search around the centre of the map until you eventually find him.

Bump into him and prepare for the hardest battle in the game. Fighting Emerald Is only for the brave And plenty of curative stuff. Got all that? Then you're all set Pair Final Attack with a Revive materia.

That way, if whoever holds this combo croaks, they come back to life! Also, get as many Counterattack materias as you can - equip them all on one person. The more one person has, the more times they'll counter-attack if they get smacked. Emerald will often pre-empt you with a stomp attack, but not always. By this point, Emerald is ready to attack again, so have something curative ready a Megalixir's good.

Cure, then repeat the W-Summon trick everyone should Mime It again. Continue this process until Emerald is dead. It takes time - he has one million HP - but keep at It and you'll beat him. At some point, the eyes on his shell light up, indicating that he's about to use some different attacks. Some eyes drain MP, whereas others inflict damage. Use a spell or Summon to destroy them. Be warned though: sometimes when they're all destroyed, Emerald counters with his Aire Tam Storm attack, which usually kills your entire party instantly.

Now you see why you need that Final Attack materia. Remember defeating Emerald isn't easy, and you won't beat him straight away. Final Fantasy VII features a healthy dose of crossdressing. We can't think of many other games where the hero undergoes a lengthy transvestite interlude. It's weird, it's Japanese, and it's got crossdressing in it. And it's great. We'll discuss that bizarre sartorial encounter later. First, we'll try to explain a bit about just what the dang heck you're looking at here.

We assume you're familiar with the concept of role-playing games. You know: four blokes with skin complaints sitting around a table in suburbia rolling sided dice until 4am, imagining they're hairy warriors from the Wilderness of Death instead of overweight systems analysts from Filey.

Theirs is a world governed by weighty tomes containing list upon list of arcane rules about armour classes and hit points, a tragic melange of facial hair, bad teeth, perpetual virginity and desperate Tolkeinesque wish-fulfilment. It isn't the sort of thing that gets covered in enthusiastic detail by The Face. But the style press would cover this particular game. This isn't just an illusion of cunning design - it really is a superb game. You just have to be prepared to accept a few Before we go on, a quick word about cut-scenes.

We've often railed against cut-scenes here at Zone. Nothing upsets us more than a game filled with lengthy and superfluous video sequences. We're supposed to be playing a game, we reason. If we wanted to simply sit back and witness events unfolding, we'd bloody well go and watch television.

Unless Emmerdald s on, that is. We simply can't abide farmers. Even fictional ones. They're all shits. Anyway, you get the point: we prefer hands-on action any day. In fact, at a rough estimate, we'd say that 25 per cent of the time you are doing little more than pushing a single button to advance to the next chunk of an ongoing rolling sequence.

By rights, we should be slagging the game into the dirt, awarding it a sub per cent score and phoning up the developers and calling them arseholes. But we're making an exception to the rule. Still, consider yourselves warned: there's a lot of waiting around involved in this game. There's a world of difference between us and our Far-Eastern cousins. We like our RPGs traditional. Plenty of dimly-lit dungeons, axe-wielding goblins and heroes with frightening biceps shimmying about in skintight hose.

We like nothing better than leaping straight into a tedious quest to recover a sacred dagger or a rusty bit of pipe. The storyline barely seems to matter - we just like the idea of the whole thing. We're idiots, basically. The Japanese, at first glance, are altogether more well-adjusted. Their RPGs - and Final Fantasy VIIis the finest example of the genre - are adept at keeping things exciting, by remembering to include two very important things: a compelling storyline and sackloads of eye-dazzling Anime action.

First things first. The storyline. We won't bore you rigid by recounting a load of background information: you can find out what the game's about when you buy it.

What we'd like to draw your attention to is the fact that the developers haven't once lost sight of the fact that first and foremost they're supposed to be storytellers, here to keep you entertained.

The audience must be held in a state of suspended disbelief for the entire duration of the narrative. They do this by performing a complex juggling act: exciting you with frequent bursts of activity, while allowing the overall course of events to unfold slowly, arousing your curiosity with unexpected twists in the tale en route. Character interaction and growth is also of paramount importance. We're supposed to identify with the main protagonists, and if at the end of the tale their experiences haven't changed them in some way, we'll shuffle away disappointed and drink ourselves to death.

Finally, there's the creation of a believable environment, with its own set of rules and logic - a world which slowly becomes as familiar as the player's own. That's the basic formula for producing something that will drive the player on.

You won't be able to put it down. We'll print that again so the words imbed themselves in your head. And here's the bad news: it's immense in scale. It's one of those games where you keep thinking "I must be about haltway through by now" for weeks on end, but you're not halfway through at all.

Pray for bad weather this summer, or you could end up being the palest person in your street. The game itself is an intensely playable hybrid of simple arcade-style action and traditional RPG geekery. Nowhere is this peculiar mixture of arcade fun and dicerolling spoddery more apparent than in the battle sequences, which crop up with increasing regularity as you progress in the game.

Fighting takes the form of a half-real-time, half-turn-based orgy of violence, with some truly spectacular special effects bunged in for good measure. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it works. The action concerns the exploits of a bloke named Cloud and his chums from illegal eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE that's probably an acronym for something, but God knows what , and as the game progresses you'll find yourself getting distinctly attached to them.

Initially, the game is totally linear - it almost drags you from one location to another at times. Adventure game old-timers might find this infuriating, but later on the structure becomes far more free-form, enabling you to wander around at will.

The engine also undergoes a startling transformation from static prerendered backdrops to moving, real-time, 3D, Mario style landscapes. This is one of the joys of the game - you never know what's coming next. Hugely cheesy dialogue, mind. It's written, not spoken, and it's all been translated from Japanese. Sometimes it's laughably bad. If you encountered a script this hackneyed and unnatural in the cinema you'd stand up and hurl shoes at the screen.

Furthermore, the convoluted narrative employs even more cloying sentiment and gurgling cutesyness than your average Mother's Day card.

But you get into it. In fact, after an hour's play you won't even notice. If that isn't concrete evidence of the peculiar hold this game can exert, we don't know what is. What else? Well, the graphics are first-rate. The pre-rendered backdrops which appear for the bulk of the game's early stages look like they've been lifted straight from Akira, while the polygonal characters that make up the cast are all designed in that intrinsically satisfying, boldly simplistic Manga style.

The animation throughout is superb, especially during some of the battle sequences, with their eyepopping lighting effects and explosions. The audio content might raise a few eyebrows.

Much of the music is controlled by the MIDI chip in your sound card, so if you've got a cheap one, it could prove unbearable. And most of the sound effects themselves sound like old-school Megadrive noises. Sonic purists will probably want to pull their own heads off with rage at this news, but we rather liked them. And that's all we've got time for. Did you notice we haven't really told you anything about the plot itself?

That's because we want you to play the damn thing and find out for yourself. Final Fantasy VII will amaze, amuse, excite, enthral and reward you. It's excellent value for money, too: it's so big you'll need a good lie down at the end.

If you've never played a Japanese RPG before, you may want to do that old 'try before you buy' thing. But that would just be boring. Instead, splash out. Live a little. Trust us on this one. You won't regret it. Square of Japan's announcement to make PlayStation games can only be described as stunning-a fitting word in light of this behemoth of an adventure.

Encompassing two CDs. Final Fantasy 7 takes full advantage of SGI-rendered graphics to create richly detailed city and dungeon scenes, as these shots from Square show. Of particular note is the attention paid to lighting anql shading effects, such as the glow of a neon sign or campfire, which give the graphics a sense of depth never before seen in an RPG. The artistry presented in these preliminary shots is a dramatic departure from the simple cartoonlike drawings of Square's Bit offerings, but given the quality of these scenes, it's doubtful if any gamers will complain about the new look.

Square has harnessed the PlayStation s polygon drawing capabilities for its battle engine, in which characters move and attack enemies in a 3-D setting. Based on what Square showed, the battle sequences can be viewed from various perspectives such as up close with the adventurers or from the enemies' point of view. The actual storyline remains a mystery, but it apparently involves a futuristic-styled city called Midgar. Of course, no FF story is complete without new faces.

Square has revealed three: Claud, a partially armored fighter who packs a huge sword; Ealis, a female ally draped in pink who wields a staff; and Barett, a muscle-bound black man whose arms serve as formidable weapons in their own right. Considering this game will be placed on two CDs, according to Square, gamers should expect a long, intricate adventure with many subplots and multiple endings.

Final Fantasy VII is a deep, lush game that consumes you with a compelling story line. Unlike most games, Final Fantasy's story line is a major drawing card. The tale centers around a sword-wielding mercenary named Cloud Strife and a motley band of Earth-first revolutionaries called Avalanche who are trying to prevent the evil Shinra Corporation from draining their world's energy. The unfolding of Cloud's tale is dramatic, sentimental, and touching in a way that draws you into the characters.

To further that, Square didn't shy away from using lengthy dialogue boxes to convey heavy emotion. This bold use of precious CD space is impressive, but the flip side is that the storytelling is lengthy, involved, and definitely too dialogue-heavy for pre-teen attention spans. There are also swearwords and adult situations, but nothing more extreme than any night of prime-time TV viewing.

FFVII reveals Cloud's travails via a series of sometimes stunning polygon-rendered cinema scenes, excellently animated combat, and extensive character dialogue sequences. The background art in particular is out of this world, with fantastic structures, bizarre color schemes, and a Blade Runner -esque styling.

At first, the luxurious backgrounds seem to clash with the character graphics, which are average-looking blocky polygons. However, the animation does a wondrous job of melding subtle movements and mannerisms with the dialogue to bring the characters to life.

Fantasy's combat definitely looks cool, as fighters bust their moves in slick, anime-style animation. There's also a nightmare's load of monsters that all sport unusual designs. A murderous living house, man-zapping plants, and a gross sewer king are just the beginning of FF's malicious roster.

Final Fantasy's gameplay rocks, thanks to a nicely crafted interface that's smooth, slick, and fun. While the action's basically menu-driven, you shuffle through the deck with ease to deal out spells and weapons attacks and cut deals for items and magic power-ups. You also form parties, but here the characters in a party change according to events in the story. The combat system can be modified for turn-based game-play or an almost-real-time combat mode called Active Time Battle ATB.

ATB, which allows enemies to attack you if you take too long to make a move, is a great technique that adds tension and randomness to the traditionally slow RPG fights. Another slick combat highlight is the Limit attack system.

If a character takes a sustained beating during a battle, a selectable special move becomes available. The Limit looks cool as it causes mucho damage, and each character eventually develops several Limit attacks.

You can also make your own Fantasy magic. Magic powers are fueled by Materia, which you must attach to your weapons and armor to make them potent. Materia exists in a variety of types which you must find or buy. Combining different Materia produces different effects, and part of FFVII's kick is experimenting with different combinations.

If you'd like to unleash your imagination on a huge, rich video-game world for a few days, take this Final. Any gamer looking for a good fantasy can end the search here. Gorgeously rendered 3D cinemas and excellent combat animation push the graphics quality beyond that of any other RPG. Even the sharply angled polygonal characters come alive thanks to sweetly subtle body movements. The New Age music is right-on for the overall fantasy atmosphere. Even though the effects are minimal, they're timely and cute.

The menu-driven interface is excellently tuned, while the innovative Materia magic system lets you experiment to create custom spells. Exploring a massive world, experimenting with spells and weapons, encounters with weird creatures, and a soap opera-ish story line are a kick and a half. FFVII has "classic" written all over it. Though it's only a short look, this game is already shaping up to be a veritable feast for the eyes. The game starts out in a rendered 3D world. As you progress, you fight enemies in standard turn-based combat just like the other games in the FF series , but the action switches back and forth between combat and 3D adventuring.

The graphics shine in the 3D areas. Lush, gorgeously illustrated matte-painted backgrounds give the game a real "Hollywood" feel. The fight scenes showcase some new work in polygonal programming, and the battles are smooth and flawless in their execution.

The sounds are superior-unearthly bestial screaming is augmented by raving hip-hop background music. The sounds may be changed in the American version, but hopefully will still rock. Fans of the series take note: So far, this looks like the best Final Fantasy game ever. Let's hope it arrives on our shores soon.

However, the major shocker is that Square will not develop games for N64 at all! According to Square, the move to PlayStation came about because its game designers felt that they needed more data capacity than was available with ROM cartridges to bring next-generation RPG entertainment to fans. By incorporating polygons, battle scenes should also become much more dramatic since they place the player into the fray as an active participant rather than an observer. For example, the battle scenes will feature changing viewpoints, including a look from the enemy's point of view.

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